
Locked in your room by your own mind.
Happiness and love, they’ve been left behind.
Flip on the lights and pray for salvation.
Beaten and tortured by your own creation.
Open your eyes, this isn’t a dream.
No one can hear when you actually scream.
Chains and ropes are holding you tight.
Why is it that you always fear the night?
Dreams are a relief because they aren’t real.
When you wake up, then you must feel.
Dreams are fantasies that your mind creates.
In life, that’s where your true pain awaits.
In dreams it’s okay to pick up that knife.
Because you can’t feel it here in real life.
But when you wake up and touch blade to wrist.
The pain that you’ll feel just can’t be missed.
You’re holding a friends’ hand as she slowly slips.
You get one last chance to hold her fingertips
You’ll have that dream then wake up and cry.
But it’s okay because she doesn’t really die.
In life, it’s different, there is no second chance.
When she’s carried out, you get one final glance.
She takes her last breath then finally dies.
She’ll never again open those pretty eyes.
Dreams filled with darkness, death and despair.
But it’s in life that you must be fully aware.
You cock that gun and hold it to your head.
When you pull that trigger, you aren’t really dead.
Because when you dream, it’s not real, it’s fake.
It’s okay to actually make a deadly mistake.
Grab the cold metal, feel it warm in your hand.
This isn’t a dream, this is what you planned.
Tears start to fall, but it’s okay, let them stream.
Just close your eyes because this isn’t a dream.