
"Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push!"- The Joker

Smile, smile, smile
Wave, wave, wave
We mustn't fail to keep regularity.
Drive, drive, drive
Work, work, work
From the top to the scum of the earth.
Cook, cook, cook
Clean, clean, clean
Everyone must stay in their place.
Eat, eat, eat
Sleep, sleep, sleep
To keep the world turning, the way it should.
Beg, beg, beg
Plead, plead, plead...


What if someone stepped out of line?
Crossed the border from acceptable to scandelous,
Would democracy be able to cope?
If someone broke the system,
And showed the world who the real mad ones are,
Would the world ever be the same again?
What if said person showed how they lie to control us?
What if that person was,