you are in hte real world

it surrounds us
in every way
rapping us in this light,
this imaginary light
which filters from the sun
so far away
the darkness,
we brake thorugh the rappings,
and burst in to the inky darkness
we scream
where are we?
the real world
"where am i?"
you ask
the perosn smiles
"the real world"
your head spins round and round
the darkness tries to put the blanket, but you fight out of it
no longer will you be in your imaginary
you wioll be in the real life
where everything isnt always happy
but the darkenss, it lies
it takes over your brain so
you cna be happy
and know htat everyone suffers.
the darkneess
lies beyond the mind can comprehend
you scream,
HELP ME" you try to let the darkenss rap hou up.
but it is too latte
"where am i?" you bstart running
the faint sound in the back of your brain
"your in the real world."