I Suck At Eye Contact

Alone in this world,
my eyes they wander.

They go cross-eyed
like thunder.

I look foward.

I look back.

I look at the faces who've
turned thier backs.

My face turns an
orange luster.

Fluster and anger
in my Endeavor.

But yet my eyes
still wander.

His face so sweet, so kind
in my mind.

His eyes turn to mine.

But I look away to turn
and sigh.
♠ ♠ ♠
this was after school, I was remembering that guy after school.
I guess it was my sad school girl attempt fo his attention.
My brother and his friend wouldn't stop following me.
I dislike that. Where I sat, she sat& so did he.
upseting really.
so i sat in the grass, i doubt they'd sit how i love grass. And i began to sing, then they came,stood, and sang too.
*sigh, guess. i went with the flow.
I had seen him in middle school. He's changed so much and so have i, i wonder if he remembers me.
I've seen him in the hall too.
He's adorable i can't deny, but he turned my way too many times ^^
sorry for rambling.