Reality Comes Crashing Down

She starts at the top
Feeling the greatness it gives her
As reality crashes back
She is left to face her own bruised face
The arms full of tracks
The reminding of what she did
To see the mess she made
She opens her eyes for the first time
To see that the whole time they were shut
Shut to how life really is
There is good and evil
Lust and pain
The craving for what you can’t have.
It’s all over
The high is gone
She is left to lay empty
Upon cold lifeless floors
Each time she does it
She comes out feeling worse and worse
She knows she needs help
But no one is there to help her
She can’t go it alone
She can’t be alone
Yet she continues
Down to the end
The end of that ally way
The ally way where it all started
The ally in which she lost him
Lost him forever
Lost him to those fools
Lost him to where ever that soul of his ended
Where she lost herself in the mess
The mess we all call reality
What lies ahead is the mess
The mess he entered her to
She is crashing
She is breaking
She is slowly losing her battle
The battle: of life and death
Of love and pain
Of heaven and earth
Of sobriety and drugs
The battle to change
And hoping it doesn’t kill her first
♠ ♠ ♠
something i wrote very quickly because a friend wanted to read something i had written. i know its crap but eh, whatever. comment maybe?