For My Father Who...

For My Father Who...
In 2009 took me to see Avenged Sevenfold perform live.
It was and still is the best night of my life.
I remember driving to the LA arena and seeing the mob of A7X fans standing outside the doors, anxiously waiting for them to open.
I was the youngest one there.
The doors open shortly after my father and I arrive, and I clearly remember my heart beat increasing with each row we passed, coming closer and closer to the stage.
We finally found our seats, right behind the pit, and I squealed in excitement.
It was almost time for the concert.
The arena became pitch black, and moments later, the stage lights rose.
First came Rev Theory, then Buckcherry, and then finally,
Avenged Sevenfold.
They opened with Critical Acclaim,
The sound of Synyster's guitar reaching my ears and echoing off the arena walls.
Zacky Vengeance took the stage and I let out a loud scream for my favorite member.
The song ended, and I held up the poster I made, a few joyous tears escaping my eyes when M. Shadows notices it and points me out.
This poem is For My Father Who...
On April 16, 2009 took me to see my favorite band play live for the first and last time.
For only months later, the tragic news of my favorite drummer's death surfaces,
And I know that that night will be one I'll never forget.
R.I.P. The Reverend Tholomew Plague.
Avenged Sevenfold will never be the same.