
You loved me once,
Didn't you?
You told me you loved me,
Was it a lie?
You told me I was beautiful,
What am I now?
You told me I was the one,
What happened to that?
You told me I was special,
Did you have to lie?
You said I changed you,
But I didn't,Did I?
Why did you lie to me?
Why did you do this to me?
Why did you play with my heart?
You were my first love,
You were my first boyfriend,
You were my first heartbreak,
You were the first to lie,
You were the first to cheat,
You were the only one to hurt me.
Why were you like this?
Why are you like this?
Why don't you want anything to do with me?
Why do you have to hurt me?
That's all I want to know.
Why did you cheat?
Were you chicken to dump me?
Why did you cheat?
Were you too scared to be my suicide cause?
Why did you lie?
Were you too chicken to tell the truth?
Why did you lie?
Were you too scared of me?
Why did you do this?
This whole thing..
The lying,
The cheating,
The scheming,
The heartbreak.
Why did you think I would kill myself?
Just because I cut my wrists..
Doesn't mean I would kill myself..
Over the likes of you.
Why didn't you just tell me the truth?
I know the truth already..
I am ugly,and easy to hurt,
I am the one that people play with,
I am the girl with the scars,
I am the girl with the blood stained knife,
I am the girl with the converse,
I am the girl with the broken heart,
I am the girl who figured out your ways,
I am the girl who ruined you.
I am the strong girl who you can't control.
My heart has healed with time,
My mind has erased you,
My life is empty of you,
My friend however...
Is stuck with you,You!
The cheating bastard.
Just tell me why..
Why did you even bother with me?
Answer me that riddle.