Mirror Mirror

When I look in the mirror at my reflection
All i can see are many imperfections

Instead of eyes that are lined with black
There's tear drops and running mascara on the girl who stares back

Instead of blonde hair set perfectly in place
There's ugly brown hair covering this messed up girls face

And for some reason I can't see a perfect complexion
Scars, marks and blood show up in this reflection

Instead of big lips and teeth that shine a lot
I see cracked lips and teeth that are starting to rot

I can't see a perfect skinny figure
I see a girl that gets shot down for being a bit 'bigger'

I don't see a girl who dressed like a whore
I see a girl who tries her best and is always asked for more

Instead of the girl who got dumped by a fake
This girl has suffered from a real heart-break

Sometimes an appearance is really a mask
And the girl inside is desperate to ask

What's wrong with me, please tell me why
Mirror mirror, who am I?