kurai tenshi

You love me so,Could I love you?

I have before,the love I bore
you hated and discriminated.

I now give up and throw in the flag.
Cause now I realize What I have.

A heart that is pure and kind.
I so trierd of your nagging and crying.

You can get over me and i hope you will
because I hate you now and I always will.

You made me shed tears for your delight,
I would not go down,no not without a Fight.

I am tired of you and your selfish ways,
Calling me whore,because of one day.

You tell me i am beautiful and yet you hate me at the same time.
I wonder if she knows just how much time.
The time we spent all day on the phone,and at the end you hit home,I said I love
you and held my breath and once again my hold remains because you said the
exact same thing.

I still feel bad for what I did,but no longer for you,but for me instead.
I put up with you,and behind her back,You still said you love me.And hurt me