What I Have To Say

She smiles greedly,
Flicking her hair and smile seductively,
She traps you in her web of lies.
Like a flickering light,
Your brain barely functions with her smell wavering in the wind.
I wonder how many times she's practiced that flip of hair.
Or that dazzling smile.
I wonder how many she's trapped,
In that web you call love.
Can't you see, I want to yell, that all she's doing is useing you?!
Even if I did yell, you wouldn't hear me.
What if I said I love you?
Would you hear me then?
Would you see the truth of things, the light that shines right in front of your face?
No, of course not. Never.
Images of what I'd like to do flicker through my mind and block my vision.
I almost smile at some of them.
What do you know? About her. About me?
Nothing. That's what.
What if I were to die tomorrow? Would you care?
No, probably not.
Truth is, you could slit my throat,
And with my last breathe, I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt.
Hear my voice!
I love you! Can't you hear me?! I fucking love you!
But no, you don't hear me, you're not wrapped up.
She's like a child, she'll play with anything that will move.
She treats you like a puppet, then will just, throw you away.
...To what...