A Penny For Your Thoughts, Darling?

Screw a penny.
For your thoughts,
I'll give you a million dollars.
Just for one thought.
For your pain.
For your fear.
For your tears.
Cry on my shoulder.
Flood the world with your words, your fears, your tears.
I'll build a boat and we'll ride above them.
I'll build you a bridge, so you can overcome your fears.
I'll build youladder so you can reach your goals.
Dont take their words.
Dont take her dailybeatings.
Her daily words that scar you like those cuts apon your arm.
Use them to become stronger.
So Darling.
Give me your fear and your pain.
Let me in.
Let me help.
I'd slay her without a second thought,
But your with me,
And you stand between me and killing the very thing that makes you cry.
They know nothing about you.
How you despise them.
How you want to run away, to escape their words.
I'll protect you.
Like me become your shelter,
And I'll help you in anyway I can to rid you of your pain and fear.