Dear Who Ever is up There

Dear Who ever is up there.

There is a boy I love and I know he doesn't love me back.
I can see it, as clear as day.

When I look at him, I see the most amazing person I could ever dream of.
When he looks at me he sees a girl who means nothing to the world.

He speaks and his voice is all I can hear, his deep voice a soft melody that touches my soul.
I speak and nobody in the world can hear me and my odd voice makes no melody.

When I hug him I feel as if I were about to melt and I never want to move.
When I hug him he can't stand it and wishes I would just go away.

His smell is like a drug which tells me I'm safe.
My smell is of where ever i have been or have applied to my body.

Do I stay here waiting in hopeless hope, dreaming of the day he opens might love me back?
I know this day will never come, but how can i let go of my hopeless hope.
He will never love me the way I love him, never fall hopelessly for me like i have for him.
As much as I wish he could give me my fairy tale ending, I know my life will never work out that way.

So here I sit, Who ever is up there. Do I stay with him or do I give up, but how do I give up?
Do I just leave?
Do I die?
Do i slowly fade in to the back ground?
What do i do Who ever is u there, for if you are up there will you help me figure out what to do?
Is there anyone up there?

From the Girl with Hopeless Hope