
you never seemed to listen
as much as you do now
it seems like
you getting in that accident
opened your eyes.
well not literally, of course.
your eyes always are shut tightly
now, laying in that bed
I don't mind
now I know you won't
roll your eyes at me or
have them wander elsewhere
as I pour my heart out to you.
you listen when I complain
how your relatives don't like me
that I’m "totally crazy".
but you know they're wrong
they're just jealous
how I spend my time,
talking to you.
they're jealous of your
undying attention
with your unwandering eyes
and a small smirk on your face
it’s been years now
you still remain close-eyed
and a great listener
a man walks in
and tells me I must leave.
"But", I said, "I’m not finished with her yet"
he calls his orderlies
(I wonder how their clothes stay so white)
to escort me out.
I call to you "I'll be back, love!"
I came back.
they wouldn't let me see you
until much later
and you were in a box
just the right size for your petite body, too!
(you always had a fascination for boxes)
you looked pleased
just as you've been
for as long as I remember.
they're digging a hole
(you've always loved the outdoors)
I see them lowering you
it's capped!
"hey! she can't breathe!
this isn't a fun game!"
I threw myself at the ground
but the men with the pure coats
dragged me away
(how I kicked and screamed!)
I got my own room
with a little window
time passed.
ever so
I needed to talk to you!
so I squished myself
through the little window
and went to the perfect gardens
of carnation and tulips
Aha! I found a shovel.
I decided I'd let
you out of your box.
(you'd need the air by now)
so I ran to your now covered
hiding spot.
and with just the shovel and I
I pushed into the earth
until I uncovered the box
holding you captive.
I popped the top off
and let out a little squeal,
"you need to take a bath!"
you smelt like that one time
we found a dead cat
in your backyard.
(how much I cried!)
but I didn’t cry this time.
I was so happy to see
your pretty face
and that pleased smile.
too bad it was dark out.
I talked to you
until my eyes dropped
from the sleepiness
then I slept in your
oddly-stiff arms.
I wake to the rot-cat smell
and an ugly surprise:
your face was all
shrively and moth-eaten,
your smile sunken and bone-y.
I screamed at you
"you should take better care of yourself!"
and ran away.
I came back later
to see your relatives
talking to some men in uniforms
I walk up and try to tell them
how you neglect yourself so!
but they turn to me and ask
if I knew what had happened
I glance and see you lying there.
I smile and tell them,
"she needed air! so you're welcome."
instead of thanking me
they look horrified and yell at me
then the pure-coated men
take me back home,
but not to my room.
(this time without a window.)
I lay in my cot and reflect
why they reacted that way.

then I laugh as I think of the strangest thing!

"you know, love, they act as if
you were dead and I dug you up
from your grave!"
now that's crazy.
right, love?
♠ ♠ ♠
i know it's really, really, long. but anyway, i hope you like it.

yes, the narrator is clinically insane. :)