Look Back

The only thing that I can do - look back
The only thing that follows - my shadow
The only thing that comes to mind - emptiness
The only thing that pours down - rain
The only thing that I shuddered from - the cold
The only thing that I can feel - sorrow

I can feel it leaking in, all this sorrow
I tell myself, to look forward instead of back
I hug myself, shrug away the cold
I look ahead, ignore my shadow
I tilt my head up, I can feel the rain
I think to myself, only emptiness

Walking in the forest, there’s no emptiness
Tripping on the roots, I feel no sorrow
Looking up above, The leaves catch the rain
Feeling trees behind, I can’t look back
Barely any sun, I see no shadow
Hardly any breeze, I don’t feel cold

Thinking to myself, where’s the cold?
Thinking to myself, where’s the emptiness?
Thinking to myself, where’s my shadow?
Thinking to myself, where’s the sorrow?
Thinking to myself, why can’t I look back?
Thinking to myself, where’s the rain?

Walking out of the forest, pouring down, the rain
Stepping out on the street, embracing the cold
Looking behind me, watching my back
Seeing the people, I think only of emptiness
Something dawns on me, I feel all the sorrow
I peek over my shoulder, and face my shadow

I stare in horror, at my shadow
I look down in terror, puddles of rain
I breathe in the fear. Of my sorrow
I see my breathe, embrace the cold
I hold myself, but there‘s emptiness
I fall apart, and then, look back

Feeling the sorrow, it makes me cold
Feeling the rain, brings emptiness
Seeing my shadow, when I look back.