
I miss the days
When we were so full of innocence
So oblivious to the wrong
When we fought over dolls
and cried over lost crayons

Now our innocence hides away
We have a path of wrong and right
meeting and tempting
so that we fight over how your
side of hidden innocence
was lost in it's shadowing
And now we cry over stupid mistakes

My dear friend
Your actions astound me
Your repeated mistakes
shake the very foundations
within me
You reek of broken promises
You are tinted with the fear
of being rejected
and filled with the desire
and need for acceptance

You stepped on your innocence
and threw it away
You buried your old self
with more mistakes
You claim and cry out
that you want to change
yet you're attempts are futile
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't judge. Comment.