New Moon Poem

This isn't what it was supposed to be.
You said we'd last forever.
You said things were perfect.
And now we're not even together.

Sometimes I wake up screaming,
Wishing I was in your arms.
I think about you every moment,
wondering how you are, hoping you're out of harm.

But you probably forgot I existed
as soon as you went away.
I'm wasting my life loving you,
while you didn't even have the decency to stay.

Now I'm finding ways to cope,
but I doubt you'd approve of my taste.
At least when I feel that rush,
when I give into the fear, I see your face.

My friend is the only one who supports me.
He holds me up when I want to drown.
I almost think I could love him if I tried,
but then everything is the same as it was
when there's no one around.

Every day comes with a new thrill,
I'm getting more daring than I ever thought.
The cliff is high and the water so far down,
can't stop now; it's the best chance I've got.

I hit the water and submerge with a splash.
I claw my way to the surface and breathe,
before the waves devour me.

I never expected it to end like this.
This is my watery grave.
With you in my head, I lose conciousness,
Never expecting to be saved.
♠ ♠ ♠
Since there are no specifics in the poem, I didn't continue the story. It would have been difficult to word things without becoming more specific. As it is, I may or may not decide to add to it. I hope you all enjoy it.