
As the sun sets and the shadows stretch, there is a moment before true dark that is the loveliest time of day. Skies fade from dark blue, nearly black, to grey and green, purple, and an array of pinks and oranges. It's all there to be seen, if we only looked up every once in a while.
Most people don't notice the sunset from day to day. Who really pays attention to those things anyway? Between our jobs, our kids, schedules, and every day life, so often we miss the very important things like beauty in nature. How many people actually get the benefit of taking vacations so they can relax and enjoy life as it is? Not very many, that's for sure. And how many of those people are checking their email the whole time?
So we get caught up in our own little worlds... Worlds that revolve around classes and work, computers and driving to and from various locations. There's always something to do, somewhere to be, and always bills to pay. We can't escape the world we live in; the world we've created filled with obligations and decisions. Perhaps if we work ourselves to the bone, we will get something our of it; wealth, fame, satisfaction, pride, stability...?
All to often though, we find that we've spent all of these years going nowhere. It's not like we do it on purpose. No one enjoys the idea of making millions, perhaps billions, of dollars for someone else when all we see are the itty bitty tidbits they call a salary. Then why do we stay? Why do we allow them to utilize our talents while they abuse our intelligence and integrity?
The sad fact is that there's little we can do about it. Aside from going thousands of dollars more in debt to perhaps start our own business, nothing short of that would to much. The good news is the "little" we can do is not "nothing". The best that can be done is to find what we enjoy and make it our lives. Oh, and of course enjoy the scenery and the moments we have. We'll never know which will be our last.
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It's not really a poem and I'm not sure what I'd call it, aside from maybe a Rant. The ellipses at the end of the third paragraph is supposed to come across as uncertainty. I hope people who read it can see that. What I like the most about it though is that it starts with appreciation and ends much the same way.