regrets run deeper then the cuts

the first few times
i looked for a vein
and i run my object over
my fragile porcline skin

many cut for their own reason
i have quite a few
although i know nothing
will ever make it right
i had a sick fascination
at the sight of my own blood

and everytime

i hoped that the skin will break
and along with my blood
regrets will trail down my body
and leave me forever

unfortunatlly that is not so
as i have learned the hard way many times
that the regrets run deeper then the cuts.
the cuts will eventually fade

but the scars are not only on my skin
but also in my mind,
which will last longer
the scar on my skin
or the scar on my mind?

while i ponder i ask myself
was cutting really worth my time?
now i live with the scars
i so wish i could take back.

because regrets run deeper then the cuts