A Bang, A Cry

A bang, a cry.
A clang, a shout.
My children flock to my side,
They look at me,
Guilt in their eyes.

What is it now?
What have they done?
And then I notice my sons,
Their faces smeared with soot,
Hiding matching grins of glee,
They look up bashfully.

Right, I order,
Send them out!
All but the twins with matching snouts.
You fiends! What have you done?
Blown up my youngest son?
Why, I thought I raised you better than that?

You, naughty, naughty cats.
Sneaking and creeping,
You naughty children!
But soon my tirade is done,
And they run with fear in their hearts,
Perhaps they've learnt a lesson?

I look outside, my heart filled with doubt.
Fred and George grin back, with a twinkle in their eye.
A bang, a cry.
A clang, a shout.
Perhaps, I should give up.
♠ ♠ ♠
I <3 Fred and George, another poem for http://www.mibba.com/forums/topic/post/7339123/#7339123

Told by Molly Weasley :)