
ok, i don't really know why i wrote this, it just kinda came to me. It does not have a title yet so, if u could, help me find a title, please and thank you

Love intwines around your heart,
Sqeezing it and causing you pain,
Yet giving you happiness all the same.
Love is blinding
It may show the good things
Yet hide the bad
And trick you into thinking,
Nothing will go wrong, and that you'll never be sad
Don't give in
I'm not saying never love
Just be careful on how you chooses
In the end
You just might find someone,
Someone to hold your heart,
And love you the way you deserve
Never stop loving
Never give up hope
Out there somewhere is your soulmate
Until you find eachother
You have to cope ,
With all the bad and sorrowful things,
That come your way
One day you might just find, ____
Happiness and Love