Lost Family

High in the mountains
Through the trees
Across some rivers
Lays a band of kids

They've all been abandoned
Beaten or abused
Orphaned and sadden
All Forgotten

Some are runaways
From bad homes
Maybe even some from good
And they all have stories

One was whipped
Endless times
Some for reasons
Others for boredom

Another was forgotten
Thrown on the streets
He hardly survived
But they never came for him

Still another more
No parents at all
Orphaned since he could walk
He's never felt love

These kids all have meet
They've grown together
Not one trouble will separate them
Not another will be sadden

I once met these kids
On a walk through the woods
I spent a few days with them
They trusted me some

It's still quite sad
How they ended up there
Yet they didn't seem so
In fact they were happy

They all had each other
And weren't ever going to separate
They all supported each other
It was quite impressive

High in the mountains
Through the trees
Across some rivers
Lay a loving family
♠ ♠ ♠
I always thought id would be interesting to see kids do this