Basking in the Twilight

When I see your face
I go back to the place
That holds my forgotten tears

I locked them tight
That lovers night

When I hear your voice
I look back on the lies
You whispered into my ears

β€œIt'll be al right.”
β€œI can stay till sunlight.”

When I look in you eyes
I reminisce of the choice
You asked me to take that night

Your eyes shone in the light
As you held me tight

When I touched you lips
You grabbed my hips
And we made love till daylight

Basking in the twilight
I lost you that night.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's a reaaalyy weird way of writing a poem *shrug* if you can make sense of it bravo! Hahah the two sentences in between each verse is like a poem by itself? If that makes sense, lol.