Well, I Cannot

Spring, Spring, Spring
The happiest time of the year
With all its grace and beauty,
How can you not be joyful?

Well, I cannot.

Spring, Spring
Who makes you so glad?
What is it that charms you into happiness?
The blooms, the blue of the sky,
The buzzing of the bees probably.

Maybe this is easy for you
And I know how you try to make me see...

Well, I cannot.

You exist to please others
All I see is that I wish to be pleased
But I do so ever try to follow in your footsteps.

Well, I cannot.

Though when the ice from the pouring rain and snow comes
It taps on my window and wants to take me away
"Come with me, run with me, Climb over your troubles with ease."

Well, I cannot.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem can mean a number of different things to different people. I was heavy on the symbolism. But what it really means is up to you.