
the clock strikes quarter to.
inaudible chatter
drowns out what isn't said
but what is oh so inconspicuously
thought of.
my eyes are glossed over
with exhaustion
with sadness
and my body's a mixture of emotions
bursting at the seams.

time's run out.
the little chime sounds, mocking me.
her voice springs out from a shaking box
screaming tales of a warning.
the clock is ticking down.
only a quarter to
the end.

and they just continue on.
music blares (just to add to the mayhem, of course).
but there's something to it.
a certain chemical toxicity.
a certain romance.

/and i'll miss you./

it speaks the words
i cannot bring myself to say.
but here's the thing ;

the lyrics sing a bitter goodbye.
i sing a new beginning.