make your own sammich, bitch.

that's where you're wrong;
i DO know you.
you are the definition of a wigger.
rude and disgusting,
the scum of the earth.
and wow! imagine that;
a girl talk back to you!
i've shattered the illusion
that we're all just a cheap fuck.
maybe that's what you're used to,
because the standards these days
have taken a nose dive,
but i'm just as strong as you think you are.
let the vulgarity defecate from your mouth all you want,
but god forbid i stand up
and defend myself
against someone as BIG and STRONG
as your pathetic, sorrowful existence.
the pen is mightier than the sword
(but like hell you'd know that,
you ignorant waste of gravity).
throw all the punches you want –
DARE to hit a woman –
but i will run your ass to the ground.
the only sadness i bear to this all
is over the fact that you're too illiterate to read a bit of this.
maybe next time i'll waste my breath
on a formidable opponent.
not someone as worthless as you.