hate is a strong word.

I could just kill you for what you've done to me.

you should have known better
than to say those things.
but that's the thing;
you had no clue.
you didn't know how to act.
you didn't know how to behave.

shoddy. shitty. take your pick.

am I just kidding myself?
hell no.

these emotions that I feel,
these tears that I sob,
are all the direct resort
of your drama
and your words
and your falsehoods.

you've done this to me.
you've made me this monster.
maybe I should have known better
than to give you an ounce of my trust.

you ensnared me in your trap.
you took advantage of me,
like the innocent child that I was,
and you threw my heart away
like it was trash.
you impregnated me with these thoughts,
these fears,
these paranoias.
it's all your fault.

words can't even describe
how mad I am
at myself for falling for your fool.
and they certainly can't amount
for how much I want to hurt you
for what you've done.

but I can try;

rot in hell.