
I never thought it’d hurt this bad, the fact that I was right all along. The fact you didn’t want me you kind of strung it on just so you could replace her. The one you actually want most. She’s probably your vice you’re turning me into ice. I can’t feel my pain all I feel is the tears run down my face and I start to fade away. I want to die, I told you I needed you in my life and you apparently didn’t even like me. I thought of you whenever I could which was practically all the time; you couldn’t even give me a simple piece of mind. Your stupid 21 questions got me twisted in a knot and it’s impossible to get out. I want to get out so bad because every lie I get told makes it easier for me to hold. I turn to mush when you speak your sweet cute talk; it’s all a part of your plan. We laid in the grass today; I wanted to stay that way. I didn’t want to move I wanted to be stuck in the moment forever because I was simply with you. You make my heart rate pick up and beat 1000x faster making it go off the rector scale. Wow that’s something you never would of thought. I bet none of you guys know how close I was to actually falling again and risking my heart turning to actual stone. I opened up to him and he acted like he cared but, I guess he didn’t give a damn, since I’m sitting here writing about m almost heartbreak. Because my “best friend” lied to me saying he was nothing to her now she’s trying to take him from me. Scratch the try she has taken him. Has him wrapped around her little fingers like silly string. She told me, “No never but, he wants me back. Oh he didn’t tell you that? Sorry Taylor that’s my bad.” I guess that was a small sign of how well this is non-existent relationship was gonna work out. She told me she saw you guys together after I figured out I was in this all the way. Wow, I feel pretty stupid. Oh well, we live and we learn but isn’t it kind of pathetic I’ve had to take this class over and over. And I’m still attending summer school. Please save me some time and pay me the piece mind by at least telling me is this thing a go or if I need to crawl into my hole.
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