piss off, Megan Fox.

she's got him by the heart.
just another notch
in her imaginary bedpost.
just another name
to add to her collection.
she's got his hands bound,
mouth gagged,
knees weak.
she'll take that cupid's bow
and rip his heart out with it.
she'll eat him alive
and leave him as an empty shell.
a crab stuck in boiling water.
a fly trapped in a spider's web.
just another check
to mark on her list.
just another victim
in her murderous path.
he has no idea what he's in for.
oh boy, has she got him.
♠ ♠ ♠
this poem actually isn't about Megan Fox, but a girl in my class. originally I was going to title this piece, 'that girl is a monster', but that reminded me of Jennifer's Body, and thus I named it how I did.
