
My last realization was that I needed you there. I needed someone to actually stick around and not try bringing me down. You know a lot of m secrets but, not all. Some I can’t even explain to someone who barely knows me. You know how all of them liked to hurt me every chance they got. Instead of letting me walk around and be self conscience you decided I had no opinion about myself anymore. It was your opinion and no one else’s, guess it shows how much you care for me. I told you if you continued to call me hot the effect would wear off so what do you do? You start calling me pretty and beautiful because you say I deserve it no matter how gay you thought you sounded. I thought it was funny and thought it was kind of amazing when I got butterflies in my stomach. Some kind of magic I haven’t felt in a while. I always laugh at your stupid perverted jokes, and when you can make me laugh we’ve got a good thing going because I love to smile. Hopefully we can keep that feeling going for some time. I love it when you hug me or wrap your arms around my waist walking right behind me. It makes me feel special when you say all you do to me, kind of like I’m the only girl you can ever see; which is some kind of miracle to me. You tell me to not push you away so I walk off and you pull me right back laughing I guess you love to act like that. Always bringing me back for more which I have become to adore. I like the way this feels but, I may be falling to fast. Even if you don’t catch me it’s worth it anyway. So now I’m waiting for the day you finally get the balls to actually be with me.