third strike

i should've would've could've made you one with the asphalt
if not for cops walking around and my fear of getting shot
you see that would be my third strike after all that i have been through
what with the theft weapons possessions, assault would see me screwed
so i stood with my back toward you and i listened to your breathing
i felt anticipation and that fear that's in your screaming
as you run from me in terror with a lash across your brain
because mental destruction is greater than physical pain
i should've would've could've ground you into the dust
but then for me all you would feel is a simple lack of trust
i killed you mind to weaken the rest
and that's what makes me the absolute best
third strike drifts away
memories of theft can stay
what did i steal might you ask?
why not then sit back and bask
in the glory of my tale
i hope you are not to frail
to hear that my heart was stolen by another
i carried my own mind hidden from that other
a powerful weapon not to be trifled with
assault fell behind when i ignored this tiff
that you should've would've could've started
if not for the seas having parted
to reveal that my crimes were crimes to myself alone
please with your one person to call use the phone
so that i can tell you that its you whole stole my heart
i hid my mind from you, feelings never start
if nothing is said from me or to you
so ill assault you with feelings anew
you never realised the truth, you see
all i ever wanted was for you to see and know me
hear me now you wonderful villain who has plagued my life so
what i want to say right now is what i want you to know
please know that it's true
i've always loved you

sigh.... third strike, im out