Friendship Better Than a Relationship?

Tears fall down your face
Why does it have to be this way?
You've been through it before
You know how it is

You thought he was going to be the one
That would finally not hurt you
You're so confused
You're going through so much right now

You should have never done it in the first place
Maybe he would still want you?
Or maybe not?

You wonder why he even bothered in the first place?
Is this friendship the best thing for you two?
Maybe you guys will still be close...

You never know
It could happen

You think of all the happy moments you guys have had so far
You could've swore he liked you
Or maybe he was just being friendly?
Someone who honestly doesn't have that many friends right now
And is glad that he has you

Like he said, he doesn't know what he'd do without you
Maybe you took that the wrong way
Maybe he honestly did mean it in a friendly way
And didn't mean that he felt more than that towards you
More than just friends

But you know you'll have good times with him
He will be there for you
And you will be there for him
Maybe that's the best kind of friendship to have
Maybe a friendship is better than a relationship

But for now, you will have to just wait...and see...