Don't Pass Me By

It always seems
I watch you pass me by
I can never seem to catch up
I'm always being left behind

It makes me sad when I think
You don't even see me
You just walk right on by
I only think of you

Do you even know I exist?
Do you notice me too?
Do you ever think of me-
Like I think of you?

A glance here or there
In my direction
Makes my heart race
Do you know how you make me feel?

A word spoken now and again
To me
Makes my breath catch
You have stopped my breathing

A kiss placed once or twice
On my lips
Makes my head spin
I guess you feel what I feel too
♠ ♠ ♠
This was actually the first poem I wrote that wasn't for a school assignment. I found it on one of my old flash drives.