the pain of love

love is what everyone wants, yet they dont know the pain that comes with it.
love is dreams, hopes, and ideas that break and crumple 'till theres nothing left
'sept the ashes they left in the fire.
love is desire and lust.
but what happens when there is no more desire and lust?
well then the love no longer exsit.
but we try so hard to get it back
but deep down we know that we can never get it back
'cause it wasnt even there to begin with.
what we saw was lies and the trouble it cause,
it stayed long enough to see us be tortured and broken.
and left soon enough to know that it killed us.
love is everything yet nothing and we wonder
"why do we want love?"
but we will never get an answer.
cause love is a mystery and only the few get to see what it really is.
♠ ♠ ♠
comment if you like or you could comment if you didnt like. srry if its bad first poem i wrote in a long time well see how it goes. :) oh and sorry if i may have miss spelled words.