Tell Me

Life sucks and then you die.
Tears are falling, I start to cry.
Why the fuck should you care?
I am dangerous, be aware.
Grab the gun and squeeze the trigger.
Dig a hole, Mr. Gravedigger.
Cut myself and bleed to death.
Pull on a knot to end my breath.
Hang myself from a rope.
This is too much, I cannot cope.
Why should you bother with me?
I don’t want to be here, I want to be free.
I want to feel the razorblade cut.
And slam all the exits shut.
I want to die and end this game.
God left and Satan came.
Wrap me up in a tight white jacket.
Gag me so I don’t make a racket.
But that really won’t hold me back.
Because on myself, I will attack.
I’ll grab the knife and slide it deep.
I will not scream or make a peep.
In fact, I’ll probably laugh and smile.
I will not be angry or hostile.
Because this is what I want.
To end the torment that seems to haunt.
So do me a favor and push me down.
Turn my smile into a frown.
Tell me you hate me and cuss me out
Tell me I’m stupid and start to shout.
Tell me I’m the reason for all of the hate.
Tell me to go meet my final fate.
Tell me that I deserve to die.
Tell me it’s not worth it to even try.
Tell me that I should just give in.
Tell me to go and commit a sin.
Tell me to go and grab a knife.
Tell me to go and end my life.
Tell me no one will care if I died.
Tell me to go commit suicide…