
You see her and your heart breaks
She’s with someone else
You feel your heart’s pain
Someone else has her heart

She’s with someone else
You can’t stand the sight of them together
Someone else has her heart
But you still love her

You can’t stand the sight of them together
The thought of her with someone else kills you
But you still love her
You try to suck up the pain

The thought of her with someone else kills you
But she’s not thinking about you
You try to suck up the pain
She’s now in their arms

But she’s not thinking about you
You feel your heart’s pain
She’s now in their arms
You see her and your heart breaks
♠ ♠ ♠
this poem is in the form of a pantoum. in short, a pantoum is a poem where the second & fourth lines of the previous stanza are repeated as the first & third lines of the next stanza & then in the last stanza, you repeat the second & fourth of the one before as the first & third (as usual) but for the other two lines, you repeat the first & third lines as the fourth & second lines of the last stanza. it's a bit easier than it sounds, but i hope you enjoy it! :)