freak show

take me to the freakshow
wait, I'm already there
its the world I live in
that one at which you stare

I'm the main attraction
the ring-leader too
everything I'm telling you is
absolutely true

you always stop and stare at us
with you bright white eyes
but what you think of me and us
is all a bunch of lies

freakshow is a term for something that is different
from the norm
but we exist normally
like nature, like a storm

we blow around doing crazy things
no one understands
why we always leave an impact
when we traverse to your lands

which in fact are the same as ours
we don't travel in packs
you group us together
through your vicious attacks

save your apologies
save your breathless words
better to fight with written stories
than to fight with swords

sharp like the words you cut us with
just because we aren't like you
I'm more normal than the popular crowd
I don't lie or cheat, and to me I stay true

you may not understand me
believe me neither do I
but with me my specialty
is that I do not try

I do not need to know why I am different or a show
it matters not why you all gawk at my normal appearance
I bet you think I'm going to rhyme
but then i wouldn't be a freak

I'm not perfect
neither are you for that matter
I've been put in this circus as a freakshow
but to me your show is grander
its funny to laugh at your horrific behavior
you think you're some kind of savior
tearing me down because what?
you feel threatened?
if I'm so weird and pointless why waste so much energy on me?

i believe I've won this fight
true, I am a freak
but so are you you silly pawn
how else would one get noticed?