I lived

I get no peace when i sleep
cause my past is the only thing my dreams keep
growing hearing youre mother is a whore
being bullied for being poor
hearing my mom in the tub weep
knowing dads going to get high so he can lose some heat

get snuffed by jenny
Jackie sitting in silence
jessies gone for two weeks now
i wonder how she finds a place to sleep
martys raining himself on his own trying to be the big man at home
richie sees it all but understands nothing
gracie came at a time when we had nothing

sometimes it feels like gods out to get me
constant moving around
houses flooded burnt down
living in a dwelling filled with roaches
eating nothing but spaghetti and burnt toast
praying grandpa gives us money
but hoping even more that someone would just choke me

let me die or sleep
i wish i could but i cant go out
with out a shout
let me get big
let me show you how i lived
let you all know i lived