You Left

You left
You wanted what you wanted
and got just that

You didn't think how much it would hurt
you say you don't want to lose me
how can you expect me to get over this?
Only for you, I would do what I did.
Cause we said we'd be friends no matter what
But how can that be when you'd be so quick to leave this place?

I don't think this dance is magic any longer, the spell's worn off.
I kept quiet though, I felt I had to support your feelings
Even if it hurt me so much.

But now that you're gone, I'm angry
You can't be so stupid to realize the reality
of what you've done, can you?

Saying sorry doesn't help
when you say it's killing you not to be here with me
because then you wouldn't have left.

I don't know the people there
but from the way you spoke
how will they be there for you
when they're passed out from the drugs and alcohol?
how can that place be better for you?
Even if she was hard on you, you had good people here
to support and hold you when it got tough.
but I suppose it's just easier to be in a daze and not care
it's just easier to run away

I worry about you every day
but I'm sure that's the least of YOUR worries

I loved you, I really did.
I'm so sorry that I couldn't help you...
maybe one day we can accept each other apologies
♠ ♠ ♠ a really personal poem.

It's...about my best friend. although, I'm not sure anymore. but, I had to get this out.