One Word Thoughts

Am I in this alone?
It seems that ive forgotten how to play.
I know its right to fall again,
But it doesnt seem like the truth.
You say you feel the same way,
Yet somehow I feel as if im losing you.
I dont know what to say,
Half the time I sit and think.
All I do is miss you,
When I cant tell you how it feels.
All theres left to do is wait,
Can waiting really give answers?
I try to imagine my life without you,
To see what it would be like if I didnt fall.
I cant get past your image without a tear,
Id hate for this to turn out into nothing.
Each day I drag myself along,
Bringing this smitten and sorrow with me.
How would I know which is right,
I dont want to deal with this again.
Im going to compromise with the ghosts,
The spirit that is left for dead in me.
Ill come back in another lifetime,
Maybe then It will be easier to say what I couldnt.