I used to be your favorite CD.
You listened to me all the time.
Somedays, you'd spend hours listening.

But then, you found a new CD to listen to.
So I sat in the back of your CD case, alone while you rock out.
Sometimes you'll look at me, but you never listen to me anymore.

I've become outdated.
You have a new favorite CD.
How long will it be before that CD joins me in the back of your CD case too?

It's so sad.
You said I was your favorite.
I was your best friend.

But now you never seem to spare a passing glance.
What the hell happened to you?
You're so different now!

But what would I know?

I'm just your ex-favorite CD.
♠ ♠ ♠
To Llyod. Thanks for stuffing me in the back of your CD case forever. You better hope I don't shatter to pieces back there. :/