Love is a drug

Love is like a drug
Everyone wants to be embraced,
Touched by kind words
And to fall in love.
Love is like a drug.
Once people have it they will want more and more of it
They will do anything for it.
Like a drug love makes people do stupid things.
They might resort to hurting others
And not even care because they are so blinded by the milky film around their eyes.
The side affects of love are like a drug.
Being in love makes people feel like they are flying.
It makes them feel like they can do anything.
Once they are out of love, however reality crashes back like a meteor scraping the earth’s surface.
They feel sick, deprived and long for what they have lost.
Love is both good and bad.
It can make people feel like they’re the most important person in that special one’s eyes.
However, it can feel like hell when they are out of love.
Is love really worth it?
The choice is ours to choose.