A Song...

In moments of silent monotone
I’ve heard a pulse of song so dear
But when discovering that it’s mine alone
My heart breaks for you couldn’t hear

Does the music play to you
If only my ears hear its tone?
Or do its lyrics, ringing true,
Ring quietly to me alone?

That lovely song – that lovely song,
Although you simply do not hear,
I can’t quite help but sing along
Hoping it will grace your ear

The song still sings, throughout my mind
My heart, it pulses, to its beat
But if your ears it doesn’t find,
Our divided hearts will never meet
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's poem "A Dream."
We were supposed to rewrite a poem in that style about our own topic for a class, and i really liked how mine turned out. :)