Dream It Up

Close your eyes.
Of a single place
Your happy place.

What does it feel like?
What does it sound like?
What does it smell like?
What does it look like?

Or can you not even think of one?
That’s me.
I can’t think of none.

Maybe it’s a place filled with softness.
When you fall down,
You’re trapped in nothing but warmth.
Pillows surrounding every inch of your body.

No, that’s not me.
I hate to dream.
For dreams turn into nightmares,
And nightmares turn into fear.
And fear,
Turns into failure.

Could it be a place of rough patches?
Maybe up ahead lies success.
After I walk beyond this rigid mess.

No that’s not right,
I’d give up just at the sight.
No way am I walking on any cold spiky stones,
They’ll crack even my strongest bones.

Possibly a place as dark as a winter night,
Placing a blanket so tight,
Over every mistake,
So I can pretend that it was all fake,
And do it over in only one take.

No, that wouldn’t work out.
Because overtime,
Two can turn into three.
And three can turn into four,
and four can turn into five,
In which they can all flee,
And those mistakes,
Can result in an even bigger headache.

To be quite frank,
My mind draws a blank.
What began as a peaceful dream,
Ends with an ear-splitting scream.
My heart pounding violently,
Fear passing by silently.

I tried to escape reality,
But it resulted in a tragedy.

Realize this.
Happy places cease to exist.
You can dream it up all you want,
And act nonchalant.
Until you’re pulled out of your trance,
Because the only thing that you can enhance,
Is your life of today,
Not what seems nice on display.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading.