My Mentor

As i stare through the window of despair
I can't help but think of something far gone
Something that aches, and sometimes it can burn
I hope that one day it will go away
For in the future I will be my best
And nothing can change my own chosen fate
Because I will choose my own path to walk
And I won't stray far, even if the urge
Of passing flowers challenge me to stay
I can't help but sniff them, wouldn't we all?
It is just human nature to do so
One day I'll be able to tell the tale
Of long forgotten despair and never
Even blink twice from the tears that I know
Will no longer appear, for I am strong
He was my courage, my will, my strength
But now he is gone, I know I must be
Stronger, more willful, and have courage for
Without him, I was once nothing, but now
Now I am grown up, I write my pages
The book of my life, my heart, has been inked
To tell a tale so short and sad, I must
Say one last time, he was my guide in life
He was a mentor, a friend, my father
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, we learned about Iambic Pentameter today in Adv Comm so I decided to write a Free Versed poem to practice. I wasn't sure what to write, so I wrote about how my life changed but how I became stronger after my dad died. Enjoy, and please let me know if I went over 10 syllables on each line :)

Sorry it's kinda sad, but that's just how it is