Escape to her World

There is a girl who haunts my dreams. In fact I actually find myself hurrying to sleep just to be with her. When the pain of the world becomes to big a burden, I find myself comforted by the words she speaks that only exist in my head. I look into her eyes and they are the same as mine. I’ve felt myself get lost in them countless times and yet this was simply a dream. It only exists in my head. I would never feel her body in reality never, experience her soft lips on mine, nothing. Her beauty is strangely arousing as I easily become entranced by the way she moves. I would give up my days of living if it meant I could stay in her world forever. The horror and pain of this world fade away when compared to her love. My heart belongs to her as it always has and will, free to do what she pleases with. But if that’s the case this must be real. Either that’s the true reality or the love from my dream girl is the realest thing I’ve ever felt.