It's Only High School.. Grow Up, Move On

'I just think all the drama, gossip, and fights are worthless.
Your wasting your tears
It's only high school,
build a bridge and get over it.
'Cause one day none of this will matter.
Why waste you time on things that happened yesterday?
It's a new day, grow up... move on'

'High Schools not going to last forever
and time is slipping through your hands
the prom queen doesn't matter
life is too short
High school doesn't last forever
grow up... move on

Your going around in circles
following whose who
Your too serious
it's only high school
and soon you'll be out
High School doesn't last forever
And you'll realize this stuff doesn't matter
Your wasting your breath
your loosing your heart

So wipe Your Tears
It's only High School
Grow up... Move on'