Forest Undefeated

Forest saw the sky at dawn,
Beautiful, pale and new;
Humans she looks at in hidden scorn,
As they come to chop Forest down.

Forest watches birth and life,
Her precious children,
She raises and watches fall.
Flowers bloom with elegance and grace,
Birds twitter a tune, a chain of melodic staccatos.
She holds her children in loving embrace,
And her face is a wondrous picture,
The birds sing of a sweet spring day.

She sees the slender silver drops of rain,
And hears them patter rhythmically on the crisp leaves,
And feels them on her body cool and refreshing.
She giggles with excitement and thrill as they fall upon her.

A black satin cloth does fall on Forest,
It covers her,
Drapes her in the essence of the Night.
A mysterious, silky companion for Forest;
They endure each other’s company in silence,

Forest watches her children being hunted and killed,
And hears their desperate wails as they writhe in the sorrow of their woeful plight;
And the mysterious assistant of their death?
Her mysterious friend, Night.
The betrayal is bitter and deep.

Forest feels a fiery madness as she watches the predators slink away with Night,
And an agonising sadness as she comes to the horrific realisation:
Her precious children are dead.

The hum of life in the Forest,
Accompanied by the low growl from her depths,
Creates a sense of eeriness…

But still Forest in happy,
Still inside her heart beats fully and sings sweet.
Her sorrow is forgotten,
As Forest claims herself:
Still Undefeated.
♠ ♠ ♠
wrote this years ago, it's not very good but hey.