Dear Puppy ♥ Love

Dear Puppy ♥ Love,

I missed you dearly
Maybe too much
24 hours, 48 hours,
It wasn’t much time, really…

Craving your love,
Your image in my mind smolders.

It’s unhealthy,
How much you’re on my mind.
Am I also never far from your own?
I’m probably just an abnormality.

You are one of a kind,
Sometimes acting rather silly,
Other times behaving seriously.
All such a fine tone…

Now a whole lot of Time spent
But spent together,
My attitude is so much more bright
To you, my love is sent.

Moving slow, then faster
Limbs are bent
What is the percent
Of skin left untouched and hidden from my sight?

Being far away,
The clock moves so slow
It drags on…and on…
An aching heart to betray.

I was rid of the sorrow
Minutes are molded together like clay
Wishes made for this to happen everyday
Today, yesterday, their time’s speed comparison.

I never want you to leave
Please let me have more time with you.
I’m being selfish,
Memories still to weave.

Many things still to do.
What is there to achieve?
With nothing left to believe,
There is nothing left to wish.

I hope you’ll again be over soon,
My goal I will gain,
Self-Control you will lose.
There is still time before June.

With much Ado and Love,
~Stubborn – Kitten~

P.S. My cat is afraid of you.