The Broken Bond

Loving you always; hating you never..
Why can’t I hate you?
The one thing I long for most..
Is there something wrong with me?
Why can’t my heart reject you?
I’m in love with you; and I don’t understand why!

My heart still cries for you
Yearning for your touch...
Forgetting you is hard as ever
It's like you're.. a drug to me..
I have to have you around..
In order to function correctly...

You told me you loved me..
You told me all those beautiful lies
Words that I wanted to hear...
But now I see they were just lies; They weren’t from above.

You really fooled me.
Because of you; I can’t love..
Because of you I fake everything...
My smiles aren’t real as they were before
You broke me.. so much that It’s hard to repair me..

I felt threatened; and scared
I would do anything to keep you around
I didn’t want you to leave me.
I didn’t want to be just a page in your history book..
There’s so much more to me then just my body.

I hate you..
But not for a logical reason.. though I should..
But I hate you because I can’t hate you..

I hate you...
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this a while back; my heart was aching over a guy if you can tell.. But please don't be to harsh; it's the first time I've ever wrote a poem (other then forced poem from school) Please don't still this; this is going to be changed into a song for my band that I'm in. So yea DO NOT STEAL!!