No prince, no hero.

Her heart sank down,
The very moment you let her down.

She's falling on the ground,
Dying, losing all air.
She is making so much sound.

People are walking past,
Not seeing the broken girl.
She's crying on the floor,
Soon to be no more.

Life is getting distant from her,
Just about unbearable.
No one can save her,
Not even the boy that practically made her.

No, he's the reason for this pain,
Reason for the graffiti on her skin.
But he no longer cares,
Like he once had before.

He's out with another girl,
The one he loved so fast.
One thing the broken girl knows though,
Those two will never last.

Soon enough he will get bored,
Leave her for someone else.
Then that happy girl will feel the pain,
That she helped him cause.
